Soil StabilizationStabilization requirements comes in many forms. It can be protecting a slope from erosions or dust blowing materials around. It also can be a way to protect coal from auto-ignition by suffocating a pile of oxygen infiltration. Our products are designed to suppress the dust and secure the surfaces from product loss and safety concerns.
Cover TarpingUsing covers (tarping) is ideal way to secure materials form water infiltration. Often plastic tarping is the approach used. This method is expensive and creates more waste. Our liquid chemicals process eliminates the waste and is nonhazardous. In landfill operations, our daily cover prevents harmful waste such as asbestos from getting airborne. They also help to control odors and prevents birds from ingesting harmful waste.
Our stabilization and cover products are designed for your specific needs and are available upon request. S T A B I L I Z A T I O N P R O D U C T S W E S U P P L Y
Stopping Erosion Like a Pro
LX 50
LX50 is a versatile and economical cover. It stops erosion on a myriad of soils and materials.
Pro Guard SB2
ProGuard SB2, an entry level cover material, is the latest in a line of covers that can be used in a variety of short-term, high-quality daily applications. Designed with versatility in mind, ProGuard SB2 can be combined with other products, making it as strong as an intermediate cover. Designed to work in any machine and deliver consistent results, ProGuard SB2 produces an adhering even surface.
Pro Guard IIB+
ProGuard IIB+ is a high quality intermediate daily waste cover. It is durable and the toughest alternative daily cover available. ProGuard IIB+ has a higher chemical content that binds together sticking to all substrates. The effectiveness of its barrier capabilities suppresses various gases and volatile organic compounds making it one of the most durable covers.
Data and MSDS sheets are available upon request.
Stabilizing the DustStabilizing dust and preventing erosion are the focus of our products. Click here to see an on-site application by one of our trucks or click the video.